looking for a house ?

i m looking for a house for the moment – a house to rent with at least 4 rooms for each of my girls and myself

what can the world be strange – i d rather buy something – maybe a boat to simplify life – getting back to basics

so i m strolling along houses doing the real estate websites trying to get a loan in the bank

instead of renting a house and throw the money i would like to buy a boat and rebuild that into a small practical house that can be moved and that will secure my pension in 18 years from now

but no way to get a loan of course – after the crisis – it is strange that you can get a rental house for 900€ per month but that it isn’t possible to get a loan that makes you pay 600€ only

and that only because people behind desks have switched their brains off and base their analysis and thinking on figures instead of ideas and energy

the world would be better off without the banks without computers with real life deciders and solidarity

unique idea – ID

was asked today to register to dropbox AGAIN – i just unregistered of the ‘unused’ service a couple of weeks ago and there it pops up again

was asked also to register to two new sites today http://slack.com and http://eventbrite.fr each of them wanting to engage and activate me for the rest of my days

honestly i m loosing trail – when you re an active member of both physical and digital society you need to register twice a day for two new services that someone else is loving and using and however they are ment to make everything easier to organise things better it’s just two MORE services on top of the others and i get pretty stressed about that

i don’t see the trees anymore in the forest not in the least because i get warnings and activation and engagement messages all the time and the real messages get lost

ps : and while i m writing this i get an email to join https://myopportunity.com – but frankly : i will not !!

full is also my head

one of my daughters and some friends asked me lately why i don t have messenger – how on earth can you live without messenger ? how can i send you pictures of the weekend ?  i don t have messenger indeed but that doesn’t prevent me from living 😉

in order to streamline my communications and relations with the world i already started to gradually delete some accounts whats app, viber are out in favour of skype email sms and just a simple phone call – let’s see how that will work

but that doesn t stop the number of registrations growing and i d rather keep some space up here for something else than remembering passwords

although my password generation trick is pretty cool it s not always accepted by all sites

so what does there exist to cope with that ?

except the keychain access app on mac ?

isn’t there a cool and fancy service where i can register one last time and spend the rest of my earthly and digital life using the same identity ?

openid for example ? here are some examples of openid logins and interesting : it seems i have an unused gmail account that is in effect an openid (??!!), but honestly who wants to login in a site with his gmail account making it possible to be spammed or tracked more and more and more ?  or am i completely paranoiac ?

from the janrain website i learn :

Let your website and mobile visitors easily register and log in with their existing social network and email identities from Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and more than 30 other providers. Improve registration rates by 50% and open the door to collecting rich permission-based customer profile data.

Automatically collect, store and manage demographic, psychographic and behavioral customer profile data in a flexible, powerful cloud database. Easily visualize, segment and update customer profiles to enable true personalized marketing.

ouwtch – i d rather go for my own openid – wired explained already in 2010 (!!) how to create your own – and you can find more on the openid wiki – succes !  now we only need more sites out there that use openid for access

tabula rasa – taxula rasa

discussion about the specific tax rulings in Ireland for Apple

i got an email from wemove.eu (an organisation that fights for transparency at the top of the EU) saying that ‘apple has been caught illegally dodging billions in tax’ – which is not true of course

apple just accepted an offer – back in the late 90-ties – from ireland to pay less taxes in exchange of hundreds of millions of investment dollars and the creation of thousands of jobs : apple IS in effect paying loads of taxes and social security on the wages of the irish workers

our unbalanced tax system

that makes me think about how unfair – or better ‘unbalanced’ – our tax system is : countries tax work (55% or more), tax benefit in companies (34%), tax added value (VAT 21%), tax fuel (about 40%), tax cars, tax houses, etc…  a small calculation learns that a belgian worker is taxed easily 70% or more directly and indirectly – outrageous you say ?

for a company it is ‘easy’ to pay less taxes : they get deductions for investments can depreciate material and bring down the benefits with fiscal structures – there are around 1200 fields (twelve hundred) to fill out in the yearly tax declaration to cope with all exceptions

but there is indeed a way to make it much easier – why not tax the gross of everything that is produced (goods, services, work) in a country at a rate of 20% – no exception and no depreciations and no subventions anymore

and if i say gross i really mean gross : you rent a room at airbnb ?  20% tax – you drive an uber car ? 20% – you clean a house ? 20% – you sell drinks on a fancy fair ? 20% – rent your house ? 20% – have a salary ? 20% – have benefit in the company ? 20%

20% is reasonable and is enough to make the people proud of paying it to get all those marvelous services like education health care mobility from the state

and it is absolutely possible : belgium is producing every year ‘officialy’ for around 401.000.000.000€ (gross domestic production) and has around€ state expenses (45% of that are pensions !!)

if belgium would tax 401 billion at a rate of 20% – they would receive 80 billion – that would be more than enough to cover all expenses taking into account the skipping of exceptions and depreciations and subventions and a heavy control structure

it would be so transparent and so easy to do : every month even every week or after every activity every company every worker every organisation would wire 20% of his gross revenue to the state and with the rest he does or buys what he does or buys without retention

it would boost economy make culture bloom eradicate black work and create a LOT a LOT of jobs

can it be easier ?  i would love to live in a world like that